+ Global Animal Rescue Network Global Animal Rescue Network

In the summer of 2012, Monica Wright, an animal advocate from Idaho Falls, needed immediate help to save 10 puppies from a "Kill" shelter. In order to save them, Monica needed funds for gas and volunteers to drive the puppies to non-kill rescue shelters. Not an easy task. This is how the "Global Animal Rescue Network" was born; a free, online, global aid for Animal Advocates and Rescue Organizations. The Global Animal Rescue Network provides the tools needed in order to fight cruelty to animals, the innocent, our loyal companions.

GARN will raise funds for organizations, provide tracking tools, list volunteers and fosters, and host a global forum to educate on animal welfare.

The animal kingdom is a vital part of our Ecosystem. To disrespect this we disrespect ourselves. We believe in compassion and dignity for all life forms. We believe that while we are individuals we are also one.

The Global Animal Rescue Network is a Gaine Foundation project, fully funded by C.N. Wylie Group of Companies: committed to bringing love and respect for every species on this planet!

GARN is yours, use it to your advantage!

Spread the word, spread the love,

Catherine Wylie Pagliaro
Founder, Global Animal Rescue Network